Star Anise is just Kitchen Spice?

April 25,2022

Have you ever known that in the kitchen where you cook delicious food every day, there are many "identity" ingredients? In addition to cooking delicious food, they are just traditional Chinese medicine. Today, let's go into the kitchen and the "big stuff" of spices - star anise!


star anise


Star anise


Star anise, named star anise. It is a tree, 10 - 15m high; The crown is tower-shaped, oval, or conical; Bark is dark gray; Dense branches.


Medicinal value


It is the dry and mature fruit of star anise in Magnoliaceae. In autumn and winter, the fruits are picked when they change from green to yellow. They are put in boiling water and dried slightly or directly.


Function and indications


Warming Yang and dispersing cold, regulating qi and relieving pain. For cold hernia, abdominal pain, kidney deficiency, low back pain, stomach cold vomiting, and epigastric cold pain.


Usage and dosage






Store in a cool and dry place.


Edible value


Star anise is not only traditional Chinese medicine but also one of the most commonly used seasonings. It can cook all kinds of delicious dishes, or grind them into powder as an adjunct to coffee or tea; Other countries, such as France and Germany, also use it as the seasoning of alcohol. Star anise can stew, stew, boil, marinate, marinate and soak all kinds of meat products. With its participation, the ingredients are always icing on the cake. Therefore, spices, it is called "big material". Star anise kernel powder can treat macrophilia, which can be cured in light cases and relieved in severe cases.


Searching for a Star Anise supplier wholesaler manufacturer from China, you can get high-quality products at a nice price.